We are national award winners!

AUSactive National Social Value and Community Impact Award

On any normal day in the office, you can hear the sound of keyboard clicks and staff on the phone to families. You can smell the coffee and the kitchen is always full of fruit. It’s always go, go, go and as a group of passionate health professionals we are always hustling!  

It is rare for us to come up for air and really appreciate the impact our hard work has on communities throughout Australia. 

We finally got a chance to celebrate this in October 2022, when we were awarded the NATIONAL Social Value and Community Impact Award at the AUSactive awards. Woah, what a mouthful!  

It is fair to say we all nearly fell of our office chairs when our Managing Director, Madeline Freeman told us! Excited is an understatement.  

The AUSactive National Awards Program, formerly known as the Fitness Australia Awards, has a long standing and proud history that recognises and celebrates the outstanding achievement of the Australian Active Health and Exercise industry. The awards have a distribution network of over 200,00 individual, business and community groups and attracts thousands of nominees each year.  

Every year the national awards committee develops a comprehensive suite of categories and awards to reflect the most critical facets of the Active Health & Exercise Industry. Recognised as the pinnacle of industry achievement, the awards are a fantastic opportunity to shine as leaders within an extensive industry. 

The AUSactive Social Value & Community Impact Award is for a business, community group or individual that has led the way in embedding social values in the way they deliver their services in the Active Health and Exercise Industry and has made a significant impact on the needs of the communities where they operate. 

We were delighted to be announced as both the Victorian state winners and now the National winners of this category.  

To have won an award that recognizes our significant impact on the needs of the community is so important to us. We are here to empower families and communities to establish healthy habits and our core purpose is to improve the overall health and wellbeing of the community.  

It takes a large team to get here and we are extremely proud and grateful of all past and present employees that have played an important role in our journey. 

There are so many things we are striving for, with new projects and continuous improvement constantly being worked on in an industry that continues to evolve. 

 However, we are so thrilled to be able to stop, acknowledge and enjoy this brilliant achievement.   

And with that being said, back to the hustle….